
Enough Already!

La Nina Spring!  Really?  Are you kidding me!

This picure is from a neighborhood about 5 miles from my house.  Today.  Yes, today!

So, I picked up the Barkberry and made a call.

Mother Nature gives us another shot of spring snow
From KomoNews.com

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

"Hello, Mother Nature? I have bone to pick with you... I got a super sweet ride-along basket for Diana's bike and we would like to try it out SOON!"

"Uhm hum...You don't say...WHAT?!"

Voice on other end of phone line.

"Hello.  Thank you for calling Mother Nature. Your call is important to me. However, at this time, and until further notice, I am on holiday. In Hawaii. Please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I return. Thanks and have a nice day."

^ . . ^



Sylish (?) Blogger Award

Thanks for the wonderful acknowledgement and nomination as a Stylish Blogger, dear Oz The Terrier. Now, I’m supposed to tell you 7 things about me:

1. I lived the majority of my first years in a cat travel carrier. Yep, a hard plastic travel carrier. The kind someone would use to transport a cat to the vet. I don’t live with those people anymore;  (If you have to ask why I don't live with them anymore, I don't want to know you or explain anything to you...)

2. I bark a lot, but have been physically debarked (see #1 above…). Lesson to be learned? Barking is an emotional outlet as much, or more, than a physical behavior;

3. Last September I went to the ocean for a vacation and I heard coyotes every evening. I never saw them. They are very stealthy. I didn’t bark at them. I hid under a blankie and refused to go out for a walk for hours after hearing them yip and howl;

4. I don’t like to play ball. I have two tennis balls that have only been played with by my best friend @HankBacon. We keep them at my house just for him;

5. I do like to play with rope toys and stuffy toys. I bring Rope Octopus to bed almost every night. I started #destructogang on Twitter to document my “retirements” and to give Diana an outlet to complain about how shoddily made dog toys really are. If they can’t stand up to my wimpy jaws…

6. I love to sit in the rocking chair with Diana in the evenings and watch baseball or a movie on TV. I really do watch TV. I whine, wag my tail and look back at Diana and bang my head against her hands until she stops crocheting and looks at the screen. I guess I’m not supposed to be able to see what’s on the screen, but I do.

7. I have a therapist. I worry a lot – about most everything. I have terrible separation anxiety from Diana. When I am on a leash I also worry that about other dogs, garbage pails, motorbikes, kids on bikes, leaves, babies, the wind, large trucks, small trucks (ok, you get the picture) and bark at them as soon as I see them. Barking at them is a classic understatement. I go berserk, actually. I'm working with animal behavior specialist, Jeff Tinsely of Sound Animals. I’m getting better. I’ve learned not to bark at babies, kids on bikes and big trucks.

Ok, that’s it about me.

Now, the next step is I'm supposed to pass this award on to 15 bloggers that I enjoy, respect and would like to highlight.  I am excited to share the following blogs and to shout out about their hard and joyful work blogging and to learn about them in the process.  I don't have 15 that I follow that I directly know haven't already participated, but I do follow these:

If you've already participated - please don't feel like you have to again, just say so. 

If you don't want to participate - rats.  I would definitely learn amazing, fun or interesting things from you. 

^ . . ^


I'm going to BlogPaws 2012 badge